Being the smallest of the class


I was small. Like tiny. My fist would comfortably fit in a cup. I think I was at 5 feet and weighing around 50kg and overall I resembled a gas cylinder. There was even a time I almost got caught by a teacher checking my marks while I was hiding in the cupboard. My school uniform did not even fit me. I had this huge sweater, a huge shirt and huge trousers which I would substitute with a pair of shorts depending on my mood. On windy days, my uniform would be blown revealing my tiny frame. There was even a teacher who came up to me and asked me if the clothes I was wearing were even mine. If you are asking yourself why I could not just buy fitting clothes the answer is because those were the pieces that I inherited from my brother who had been in the same school some years before.

Just to be clear, I was just averagely small. Most of my friends were tall and because of that it made them feel like they were more mature and therefore deserved more respect. So most of them my opinions were belittled and this went on until high school where people generally thought that I was shy. Since life has its own sense of humor, I am now taller than most of them.

Here are just some of the questions that I had to deal with every day:

1.How old are you?
2.(After finding out my age) You do not even look thirteen?
3.Do you even eat?
4.How do you carry that heavy bag around?
5.Show me your hands?
6.“My hand can wrap around your wrist.

Someone else: “Can I try?”


And it goes on and on. That was just a short story of how it felt being the smallest person in the class.