1 Week Of Being 19

🎶: Swish Swish - Katy Perry feat. Nicki Minaj

I turned nineteen today. The last year of being a teenager has begun.Wakes up to my best friend wishing me a Happy Birthday. Also two days to Hopeless Fountain Kingdom. Instead of cake I eat two pancakes. Also found a mindblowing theory of Jesus.

Jesus was probably transgender because:
He was of a virgin birth, does not have a Y chromosome yet identifies as male throughout his life. BOOM!💨

🎶: [ALBUM] Glee: The Music Presents Glease
It is Madaraka day bitch! One day to HFK.  Honestly I slept the whole day and I dont regret it. Tried Garlic Chapati for the first time and it tastes like heaven.

 ðŸŽ¶:[ALBUM] Hopeless Fountain Kingdom
Today was more like a day to be my birthday than my actual birthday. I ate cake and got what I was looking forward to since the year began - another Halsey album. :) 
I listened to the album 8382727117times by the time I was eating supper. Also Sense 8 is cancelled ! HAPPY PRIDE MONTH!💙💛💚💜

*deactivates brain*

Finished reading I Will Give You The Sun by Jay Nelson. Currently starting, A Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Artwood. My phone is fucked and shuts down abruptly. Ate another  cake-carrot cake. #OneLoveManchester

🎶: Cold Little Heart - Michael Kiwanukia
Today was interesting. I found out Halsey's albums are both interconnected. The monkey visited me again. I have a mini concert since I am watching Halsey perfom her album on her VEVO channel.

*dances because does nothing one week after turning 19*