Every Time We Have A Guest

1. My mum becomes good and an angel.😇

2. Listenning to music or tv is limitied cause it might cause disturbance.

3. I greet them with plastic smiles.😁

4. I am at my best behaviour. I even say "welcome" when they walk in.

5.  It is funny how calm the house can be even though less than a minute before everyone was shouting the minds off.🔇

6. They drink tea and if there is bread ot any other think that is beverage compatible they will eat as well.🐸☕️

7. I am on my phone. Just like now😂

8. The house is clean and smells good.Most of the time it smells of farts 💨
9. Most of the conversation I have with any of my family members is with our eyes.👀

10. I think a lot to the point I remember a joke and then I start smiling.💭

11. I end up looking like a creep! 😶

12. I change my outfit because I spend most of my time in shorts so if you think I wear jeans 24/7 ISSA BIG LIE.👔👖