High School Me

What Kind of Person Was I In High School?

High School was that time of your life where I went through a lot of things. Things you see in movies. Things you read in books. Things people tell you about. Things that I, myself, needed to find out on my own.

In High School, I was lost in my thoughts. Clouded by my own judgement. I cared so much of how people saw me and whether people liked me. Was I a wallflower? Yep sure! But labels werent a thing for me.

I never played sports. I was never in the choir. Heck I did not even have amazing grades! My class participation was similar to a corpse's if it went to school. All in all, high school was a bittersweet experience for me. Despite what you might think as 'negative', I actually had fun.

I met awesome people. Acquired strong values like tolerating dickheads. Tried new stuff. Learned new stuff. Realised I was a bookworm among other things. Discovered my many talents and got to eat a mandazi-sausage combo almost daily without adding weight.

I may not have been able to dribble a basketball across the court or get straight As in my report card but at least I did not let high school ruin my life.