SKAM: The Phenomena

This past two weeks I have been binge watching a show called Skam. I AM OBSSESSED with it.

Skam is the Norwegian word for Shame.

The show is about teenage lives in Oslo and every season revovles around a character's POV. 

Season One: Eva Mohn

Season Two: Noora Sætre

Season Three: Isak Valtersen

The show is unique because of the real time posts they post on the website( ) The posts include clips and messages between the characters that happen in real time. 

For example: If there is a party like on Friday 20:30, a clip will be posted on Friday 20:30(Norwegian time)

Because of this I am constantly refreshing the site for updates.

Reasons I love Skam:
Teens play teens. It is not some 25 year old playing a 16 year old.
The character has actual social media accounts. On a show that uses social media the accounts are real and the viewers can interect with them. e.g.
Isak's instagram account is @isakyaki
Parental absence. Even though we see Eva's mother and Isak's parents like in one or two episodes the lack of parents in this case it not comical since they are able to prove that teens can also independent and solve issues amongst themselves.
The parties. In one of every 4 episodes there is always a party.
Issues. Dealing with issues like anorexia, slut-shaming, homophobia, islamophobia,date rape, mental health and more.
The trailers are so artistic

+The soundtrack is also good because you will hear a song that you can recognize.

+Links for the season(credits to the owner)

Season Two:
Season Three: