CAN YOU OUTGROW PEOPLE? THE answer sadly is yes.


When I was small I had these shoes that I loved. At least I thought so at that time.  Those shoes were white sport shoes that used to light whenever I moved about. I was fascinated by the way they light up which amused everyone else as well. I  remember how kids my own age would want to have that pair.That made me feel proud of myself. And that pair an important part of my life. A sentimental piece.


Days passed turning in to weeks and months. My fascination started dying.  The razzle dazzle of the shoe fizzled out. The lights became dimmer and dimmer. And my feet started growing out. They started to wear out. That is when I knew that I had let them go.LOL! I almost typed let it go.

I got new shoes eventually. These ones had springs at the heel. They were neon green and Nike. The springs made me achieve a ‘bounce’ every time I walked in them. And the soles themselves were massive. This was the real deal guys. I went with those shoes everywhere. From church, to schools during sports days and even to my friends place.

I remember looking at my previous shoes and saying to myself that I would never wear them again. They used to sit at the bottom of shoe rack. I just didn’t have time for them anymore. And days went on until I forgot about their existence.

And just like the white shoes, that is the same way you can outgrow people especially your friends. Like hanging out is not the same as it used to be and before you know it you have lost contact with each other.

And do you think it is okay to outgrow people?