Weird Things That Make Me Happy(or Smile!)

Not all the things that I will mention are weird but it all depends with you level of weirdness

1. When that person I hate, farts in public and the everyone attacks him.
2. When the story of that same person farting spreads around such that in 10 minutes everyone knows.
3. When I get to finish the last roll of tissue.
4. When I see my pal winning/slaying and I can't help but be proud.
5. When my friends support me.
6. When I get the last thing of everything that is good e.g the last slice of pizza.
7. When my revenge plan works out well.
8. When someone says "be like Bryan he is always good...."
9. When someone you hate dies in a series/Tv show/book/real life(just kidding)
10. When someone gets my sarcasm.
11. When I see my face as someone's profile picture that works only if you're my friend but if it is someone else then that is creepy.
12. When I win in an argument or when I diss someone to the point no comeback is applicable.
13. When I blame someone and I get away with it.
14. When I read for something and it comes in the exam.
15. When I don't read and then the exam is cancelled or what is brought is something that I can remember from the time I was in class.

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See ya later. 