Back To School | Reality vs Expectation

People will be at your feet wanting to know how you spent your holiday
Reality: Everyone is talking even the quiet ones. All of them want to be listened to. And they try as hard as they can to make you hear their whole story 

You'll have the best of the things and everyone will adore you and your stuff 
Reality: Everyone will try to outdo each other because they have an 'it' thing. You won't miss someone who has something that he'll make sure that it has been seen by everyone.

In the bathroom or lavatories or whenever,when you sing a song or hum a tune people will ask you to tell them which song you're singing is
Reality: they'll join in or even try to tell you to shut up because you don't know the correct note because they know the song in and  out. They even know the songwriters 

When you talk about a movie or tv show. You will make guys feel like they are behind and make them have an urge to watch it.
Reality: People won't shut up when they're talking about a tv show especially the scene where some important person dies or the romantic scene. Some will even to quote exactly what the actors said 

When you ask someone if you've seen this video, they will be totally clueless and  they would like to know what the video is about 
Reality: people will talk about videos you've not seen and they have seen the videos you've seen

You have the best handwriting. People will borrow you book to copy notes
Reality: you never wrote anything during the holiday so you forgot how to hold a pen 

You've not done homework cause not everyone has done 
Reality: everyone has done their work and you'll be the only one doing your homework and it's on that say that you'll find out there is more work that you didn't know about

Didn't do homework cause the teacher doesn't check
Reality: you get detention for not doing homework after the teacher finally checks

Since you're loaded in terms of money, you'll be able to buy for people snacks and other things
Reality: you'll be surrounded by debts from last year and the years before. 

You make jokes. People laugh.
Reality: they've heard joke for the umpteenth time so break the monotony